
Protruding or misshapen ears don’t have to draw attention from your appearance. Otoplasty in Miami at Baker Plastic Surgery creates natural-looking ears and can boost your confidence. Medical advances have made otoplasty more effective than ever when performed by an experienced surgeon such as Dr. Jackie Yee.

If you’ve been teased about your ears throughout your life, request a consultation online to find out if ear surgery in South Florida is for you. Or, call us at (305) 670-9995 to schedule an appointment.

Who are the Best Candidates for Otoplasty?

Many people consider otoplasty a surgery performed primarily on school-aged children. But at our practice, we believe it’s never too late to re-shape ears if they are making you self-conscious. Good candidates for otoplasty are ready for a change but have realistic expectations about the outcome of plastic surgery. There are a number of reasons why patients come to us for ear surgery, but they generally fall into one of these categories:

  • Protruding Ears: Ears that stick out too far from the head make up the majority of otoplasty surgeries
  • Large Ears: Ears that are disproportionate to other facial features
  • Misshapen Ears: Either because of a congenital defect or physical trauma, one or both ears are misshapen
  • Earlobe Repair: Torn earlobes are quite common for anyone who wears earrings.
  • Earlobe Rejuvenation: Aging affects earlobes. This procedure can be done alone, or at the same time as a facelift.

What to Expect

Procedure Otoplasty
Description Cosmetic ear surgery for adults is generally performed on an outpatient basis using only a local anesthetic. In the hands of an experienced, skilled surgeon such as Dr. Yee, the procedure will involve making small incisions in the back of the ear that will be essentially hidden. Because adult ears’ cartilage is firmer than children’s, it is less pliable. Dr. Yee takes great care to avoid leaving patients with a “pinned back” appearance, where the ears lay too close to the head.
Recovery You will leave our surgery center with your ears bandaged, and it’s important to keep your head elevated as much as possible for several days after the procedure. Patients typically are prescribed medication to control pain for the first few days, and swelling and bruising are normal. Your sutures will be removed about a week later. You’ll have to wear a headband for about 2 to 3 weeks to keep your ears in their new position.
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